Photo Camp (well, that's what I call it anyway...) / by Winnie Johnston

Each year at the Campground and Retreat Center that my husband and I manage and live at there is a Photography Workshop. It is lead or taught by Jim Doty Jr. who authored the book Digital Photography Exposure for Dummies

This is Jim:

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I call it Photo Camp because everyone stays at the Camp together and eats in the dining hall together and in the end we all get to know each other as friends the way you do at summer camp when you were a kid.

I have been involved in Photo Camp for five years now and I keep learning new stuff, and making new friends!

Jim doesn’t pussy foot around about leaning either. He starts right in on Friday afternoon when everyone gets there teaching and before long we are on the Lake Michigan shoreline photography the night sky. One year we were treated to Northern Lights. Another year we got lightening. This year is was a beautiful calm night with a lingering sunset and crescent moon. It takes a little bit of knowledge to get good night shots and there we all are lined up with tripods while Jim yells out settings and tips.

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The second day is a LOT of learning. Composition, exposure triangle, hyper focal distance, white balance, jewel box lighting, circles of confusion….All mixed with many beautiful images as example and engaging stories and inspiration.

Saturdays field trip is to a nature preserve on Lake Michigan where we found and photographed wildlife, wild flowers, and a gorgeous sunset.

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I have to stop for a minute and talk about the food. My husband, Bill, does the cooking. The meals are fantastic. People say they come to learn photography but there is a good chance they come for the food!

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We take a field trip to Michigan’s U.P. to Seney Wildlife Refuge. Some years we have sunshine and some years rain but whichever doesn’t matter it’s just a different kind of shooting. This year we got rain. So soft light. We saw an amazing amount of wildlife.

Click on the images below to scroll through:

Photo Camp is over now for another year. Next years workshop will be June 12-15, 2020. It will also be the Park of the Pines campgrounds 100 year anniversary. Maybe Photo Camp will do something really special…

If you have a camera and want to learn how to get the best results out of it, make some new friends, and gain 5 lbs. consider joining us.

You can find information at I highly recommend it!

Scroll/click through more photos form photo camp: