May 1, celebrated in many countries as a traditional springtime festival or as an international day honoring workers..... but not really here.
I can assure you that the above picture was not taken recently. It was taken early in May last year. This year spring has gotten a very late start. April 14 through to the 17th we had a historic spring snow storm that dropped three feet of snow and ice. Some of it is still with us because it also stayed cold! Yesterday it reached 70* and my body didn't know what to do so my ankles decided to swell, what?! Today it promises to get well into the 70* range and tomorrow some warm spring rain. Maybe the lake will melt! There is HOPE! So for today, I will share with you some lovely spring flower images from a year ago. A month from now I will show you this years offerings! Enjoy:
There is a place in Michigan's UP that has a variety of trillium in unusual colors. We drove by it this last month and found that many of the trees are marked to be logged. I sure hope they don't spoil this magical little patch of flowers!
Dutchman's Breeches
Jack in the Pulpit
Marsh Marigolds
Stay tuned for Spring 2018, it's on it's way.