Once A Year.... / by Winnie Johnston

Once a year on average we get to visit our daughter! 

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Our daughter, Loren, lives in Montana. At least she chose a beautiful place to live. Once a year we are fortunate to go and visit her and explore the state that she lives in. 

This year we took a vacation within a vacation! After a few days in Montana Loren, her boyfriend Cole, Bill and I went to Tucson AZ for a weekend. Loren said she has always wanted to see the giant Saguaro Cactus, so we saw them! 

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We had a great time but I'm confident we would have had a awesome time no matter where we went with these two. I bet we would have enjoyed, say, Sedona AZ. 

Perhaps the best part of visiting the desert early in May was that the cactus were blooming. It's amazing to see these prickly uninviting plants with beautiful flowers. 

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There is a lot to share from our trip to Montana and Arizona so I will split it into multiple posts. For today I had to start with our daughter who has lead us to so many places we never thought to go. How much fun to spend time with her and see life through her eyes and listen to her world outlook. No millennial bashing found here.....